Logo Platform Talent voor Technologie

Working together works!


A practical handbook to help ICT companies collaborate successfully with vocational and professional education

Cooperation between companies and schools is an important instrument in tackling the shortages of students and employees in ICT. How do you organize this?

Some companies don't have much time or resources to spare, while others are looking for long-term relationships with the schools in their area. This book contains many inspiring examples of cooperation between schools and ICT companies, ranging from internships and guest lectures to retraining of staff or contributions from companies to renew the curriculum together with the schools.

This is a practical handbook for companies with examples and a handy decision tree. In three steps you can determine how much time and resources you want to invest, which issues you want to tackle and which concrete actions you can take. Based on the outcome of the decision tree, you will receive an overview of tips for working together with schools and inspiring examples of how other ICT companies and schools are already working together successfully.

Bijlages en downloads

Working togheether works!
Working together works!
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