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Connect: Handbook for small and medium sized enterprises


Handbook on how to train employees and how to implement the latest innovations in your organization.

This handbook has been produced in collaboration with the twelve European Centers of Vocational Excellence and is an adaptation of ‘Working together works’. The insights that have been obtained while writing this handbook were (partly) based on the ICT-specific Working together Works publication (2020). Furthermore, several meetings with the project leaders of the twelve Platforms provided all the information needed for this publication.

The handbook includes a decision tree to help you choose the type of activity best suited to your goals. In addition, the publication provides a simple step-by-step approach to explore how to partner with VET schools and the Centers of Vocational Excellence.

It offers concrete examples of activities of the twelve Centres. So that you get an idea of ​​what these activities can look like.

Together, the Centers of Vocational Excellence cover a wide range of sectors and themes and are happy to get in touch with you. Whether you are looking for digital solutions, ways to become more inclusive or go greener: the centers are working on practical solutions. They do this in many sectors of the economy: from smart maintenance, the furniture industry, urban greening, to electronics and the water sector.

This publication is an adaptation of ‘Working together works’. The insights that have been obtained while writing. This handbook were (partly) based on the ICT-specific Working together Works publication (2020). Furthermore, several meetings with the project leaders of the twelve Platforms provided all the information needed for this publication.

Bijlages en downloads

Connected Handbook how to collaborate with coves final
Connect: Handbook for small and medium sized enterprises
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